SCMA Water and Sewer Rates
Drinking Water Rates
Drinking water is supplied from the Authority’s six surface water reservoirs, totaling 1.675 Billion gallons of storage, and seven groundwater wells. Over 5.3 million gallons of potable drinking water is physically and chemically treated daily at the SCMA water filtration and treatment facilities. The Authority serves water to over 30,000 Schuylkill County residents in all or portions of 24 different municipalities.
The table below summarizes the quarterly residential rates by water division:
Water Division | Rate |
Pottsville Area | $73.44/quarter |
Tremont Area | $73.44/quarter |
Pinebrook Development | $73.44/quarter |
Pine Grove Township | $58.84/quarter |
West Brunswick Township | $69.11/quarter |
Click on the links below to download a copy of the quarterly residential rates by water division:
- SCMA Drinking Water Rates for the Pottsville/Tremont/Pinebrook Systems
- SCMA Drinking Water Rates for the Pine Grove Township System
- SCMA Drinking Water Rates for the West Brunswick Township System
In addition to routine drinking water service, SCMA also provides various additional drinking water related services. Rates for these services are available via the links below by water division:
- SCMA Miscellaneous Drinking Water Service Rates for the Pottsville/Tremont/Pinebrook Systems
- SCMA Miscellaneous Drinking Water Service Rates for the Pine Grove Township System
- SCMA Miscellaneous Drinking Water Service Rates for the West Brunswick Township System
Fire Protection Rates
Public fire protection is billed to the hosting municipality at a monthly rate per hydrant. Private fire protection connections will be billed at a monthly rate based on the size of the service. Each tap off of a distribution main owned by SCMA, on either private or public land, will be billed as an individual fire service. This includes fire hydrants located on private property.
The table below summarizes the fire protection rates by connection type:
Connection Type | Rate |
Fire Hydrants – Private | $21.50 |
Fire Hydrants – Public | $10.50 |
Residential 2” line and under | $5.00 |
2″ Connection | $52.58 |
3″ Connection | $81.64 |
4″ Connection | $110.86 |
6″ Connection | $137.11 |
8″ Connection | $227.54 |
10″ Connection | $306.23 |
12″ Connection | $612.38 |
A copy of the rate information for fire protection services is available on the drinking water rate links provided above.
Sanitary Sewer Rates
Over 2.5 Million gallons of sanitary sewage is biologically, physically and chemically treated daily at the SCMA Wastewater Treatment Facilities. The Authority provides collection, conveyance and treatment services for sanitary sewage generated in 12 municipalities. Wastewater is transferred through 16 wastewater pumping stations and over 100 miles of collection and force main pipe prior to final disposal at the treatment facilities.
The table below summarizes the monthly sewer service rates by sewer divisions:
Sewer Division | Rate |
Branch/Cass | $80.00/month |
Butler Township | $72.00/month |
Deer Lake | $82.00/month |
Gordon Borough | $70.00/month |
Orwigsburg Tributary | $82.00/month |
Seiders Hill | $72.00/month |
Tremont | $72.00/month |
Gordon – Highridge Gravity Sections | $60.00/month per EDU |
Gordon – Highridge Pumped Sections | $70.00/month per EDU |
In addition to routine sanitary sewer service, SCMA also provides various additional sewer related services. Rates for monthly sewer service by sewer division, along with the miscellaneous rates for additional sewer services, are available via the link below:
- SCMA Sewer Service Rates
Frequently Asked Questions
How do SCMA’s rates compare to other community’s water and sewer rates?
- SCMA’s minimum residential water rates have historically been amongst the lowest and will remain so after the proposed increase, based upon an internal study completed by our Consulting Engineers. SCMA’s sewer rates are assigned a self-sustaining value for each individual sewer system by evaluating the actual cost of services for the sewer division. We continue to work toward a single rate tariff to all sewer systems.
What can I do to keep my water bill as low as possible?
A typical household can use as much as 400 gallons of water per day. Follow these simple steps to help conserve water:
- Turn off the water while brushing teeth or using the bathroom sink. Most water waste happens in the bathroom.
- Replace your toilet with a new, low-flow model. Most new models use about 1.5 gallons per flush – compared to as many as 8 gallons per flush for older toilets.
- Try a low-flow showerhead. New showerheads use about half as much water as older models, while still providing a comfortable stream of water in the shower.
- Water your garden in the morning or evening, not during the day.
- Install a rain barrel to collect rainwater that can be used for irrigation in the backyard.
- Use the “quick wash” option on your dishwasher – your dishes will still get clean, but you’ll use less water.
- Front-loading washing machines use about half as much water as top-loading washing machines. After the toilet, the clothes washer is the second-largest water user in the typical home.
I have a question related to rates, where can I get additional information?
- Schuylkill County Municipal Authority is working to answer your questions as thoroughly as possible.
- If you have additional questions, please contact Schuylkill County Municipal Authority office at (570) 622-8240 to speak with a customer service representative or email us at