SCMA awarded $425,000 for Phase II of the Mahanoy Business Park Waterline Extension Project

At its meeting held on September 18, 2018, the Department of Community and Economic Development Commonwealth Financing Authority awarded the Schuylkill County Municipal Authority (SCMA) a grant in the amount of $425,000 for Phase II of the Mahanoy Business Park Waterline Extension. The application was one of 236 approved projects throughout the Commonwealth for this round of financing. The project will extend a 12″ waterline from the storage tank on the north side of Interstate 81 to the south side of the interstate. The waterline will supply potable drinking water and fire service to a 400 acre site targeted for distribution warehousing that can generate 2,000 potential jobs. The newly served area has the potential for additional commercial and residential development. In 2013, SCMA invested $3.3 million dollars, including a $1.4 million dollar grant to extend water service to residents of New Boston, Vulcan and commercial/industrial customers in the partially developed Mahanoy Business Park as part of Phase I of the project. Since that time, additional development has occurred with the construction of the Comfort Inn Hotel and a proposed commercial development.