Deer Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Completed

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Deer Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Completed

The newly constructed plant went online on September 15, 2014.
See Current Projects Page for information and updates


Mahanoy Business Park Waterline and Storage Tank Project Begins


 Mahanoy Business Park Waterline
and Storage Tank Project Begins

See Current Projects Page for information and updates


Reilly Township Waterline Extension and Tank Project

Reilly Township Waterline Extension and Tank Project

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SCMA is proud to announce that we will soon be able to provide Reilly Township with an abundant supply of clean, fresh, public drinking water and additional public fire protection with strategically located fire hydrants along the project route.

SCMA completed construction on the extension of our waterline, approximately 27,000 linear feet, from the Village of Donaldson to the Village of Newtown in Reilly Township, including construction of a new 200,000 gallon steel water storage tank and a water booster pump station.  The intent of the project is to provide a safe, abundant source of potable water to residents of Reilly Township and the Village of Newtown. New fire hydrants will be installed along the project corridor to provide public fire protection to these areas.  This project will provide a reliable solution by delivering an ample supply of potable water in compliance with all State and Federal regulations.

In 2015, SCMA successfully secured funding from Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) for a grant for $3,200,000 and a low interest loan of $485,050 for this project. On April 19, 2016 SCMA executed the following contracts: Contract I – General – Doli Construction Corporation; Contract II – Electrical – West End Electric, Inc.

SCMA is committed to keeping new customers of Reilly Township informed and updated on the progress of this significant project through: Additional communication letters, Status updates on our website and Communication with Township Supervisors for discussion at monthly meetings.

To-date, the 8” water main has been installed, the water storage tank has been erected and painted, and the booster pump station has been completed.  The system has been filled and disinfected.  Bacteriological testing is complete and all samples were negative for bacteria.

Thank you for providing us the opportunity to serve your needs. SCMA is committed to providing the most reliable potable water service available and is proud to offer affordable solutions to the drinking water needs of residents in Reilly Township.

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